Category How To Prepare For Your Photo Session

Fine Art Portrait

Here’s the special offer, from me to you! Fine Art styled Photography is created to celebrate the individuality.  Welcome to the world of classic portraits, perfect to hang on a wall. Minimalism and simplicity, and at the same time beauty…

When to book a newborn photoshoot?

The perfect age for a Newborn Photo session Your child will appear in the world in a moment or has just appeared and we do not have the idea what age will be the best for the newborn session. What…

How do I get my newborn to sleep in a photoshoot?

intro We cannot be sure that your baby will sleep during the session, but we can try to control it.  Please feed your baby 2-3 hours prior, and plan on feeding him/her as soon as you get to the studio.…

Must have poses for a newborn photoshoot

intro Must have positions for each newborn shooting After many years of experience working with newborns, I have developed a routine during each session. There are many combinations, but a few main positions for your baby that enhance his beauty.…