Why your Photographer won’t give away the RAW files?

Read more about why I don’t provide my clients with RAW photos

First, I would like to explain to you what a RAW file is.

RAW files contain uncompressed and unprocessed image data, allowing photographers to capture practically every detail they see in their viewfinder. The RAW file format stores the largest amount of detail out of any raster file type, which photographers can then edit, compress, and convert into other formats.

There are a few reasons that I cannot give you my RAW files done during our session. 

The first is OWNERSHIP. Ownership also applies to photos. It is very important because it proves that I was the one who took your picture. This is a confirmation that can help me in the fight if someone tries to steal and use my photo. It is an important element against plagiarism.

In addition, the RAW picture is only a high-quality support for creating the final photo.

The second is BRAND VALUE. Imagine one of my RAW files ending up on the web. During the session, it was made to create a financial photo, but it was only an element of it. You come across it and you see that it is not like all my work. My work on the final photo also includes editing and my individual colour character of the photo. You can not see it in the RAW photo. So it can be confusing and reduce my photographic value.

Now we have to talk about REPUTATION. The magic happens once the photo is processed in editing. I was a photographer have individual ways to create my images and that defines me. So giving you my RAW, my work will no longer have the same magic as before you saw on my website. The situation is the same when you want to buy your favorite bread from your bakery, not only flower, water, and salt. The most important thing is the way it is done.

The third is SIZE AND ACCESSIBILITY. RAW files are very big, high-resolution pictures and that makes pain to transfer them anywhere. It will take ages to send a few of these pictures. 

Additionally, opening these files requires having the appropriate software like Adobe Photoshop to view them.

Let’s move on to the next reason. The quality of the digital files should match the QUALITY OF PRINTS. As you already know, the value of the RAW FILES is huge, but they don’t look as good as the finished photos after the entire processing in Photoshop. Only working on RAW allows us to see a beautiful final effect. Print quality is very important. It is influenced by the professional preparation of the photo and the appropriate service of the printing company. Working with me allows you to get the best quality prints and wall arts on the market. The finished products are made very carefully and guarantee the best color rendering and the quality of materials. 

So let’s get to the point. When you come to me, you get a selected number of perfect photos that correspond to my competencies and quality of work. Sending you RAW files would expose the output of files not prepared for this. 

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